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# Global Game Jam 2025 and First Impressions from Godot

Jan 2025

Last weekend, 24-26 January 2025 I participated in Global Game Jam, and, more specifically, PolyJam 2025 - a site in Warsaw, Poland. In this post I'll share the game we've made (including the full source code) and describe my first impressions of the Godot Engine, which we used for development.

We made a simple 2D pixel-art game with mechanics similar to Overcooked. It was designed for 2 to 4 players in co-op mode, using keyboard and gamepads.

Entry of the game at globalgamejam.org

GitHub repository with the source code

A side note: The theme of GGJ 2025 was "Bubble". Many teams created games about bubbles in water, while others interpreted it more creatively. For example, the game Startup Panic: The Grind Never Stops featured minigames like drawing graphs or typing buzzwords such as "Machine Learning" to convince investors to fund your startup – an obvious bubble 🙂 Our game, on the other hand, focused on taking care of babies and fulfilling their needs so they could grow up successfully. In Polish, the word for "bubbles" is "bÄ…belki", but it’s also informally used to refer to babies. Deliberately misspelled as "bombelki", it is a wordplay that makes sense and fits the theme in Polish.

My previous game jam was exactly two years ago. Before that jam, I had learned a bit of the Cocos Creator and used it to develop my game, mainly to try something new. I described my impressions in this post: Impressions After Global Game Jam 2023. This time, I took a similar approach and I started learning Godot engine about three weeks before the jam. Having some experience with Unity and Unreal Engine, my first impressions of Godot have been very positive. Despite being an open-source project, it doesn’t have that typical "open-source feeling" of being buggy, unfinished, or inconvenient to use. Quite the opposite! Here are the things I especially like about the engine:

I like that it’s small, lightweight, and easy to set up. All you need to do is download a 55 MB archive, unpack it, and you’re ready to start developing. This is because it’s a portable executable that doesn’t require any installation. The only time you need to download additional files (over 1 GB) is when you’re preparing to create a build for a specific platform.

I also appreciate how simple the core ideas of the engine are:

I’m not sure if this approach is optimal in terms of performance or whether it’s as well-optimized as the full Entity Component System (ECS) that some other engines use. However, I believe a good engine should be designed like this one – with a simple and intuitive interface, while handling performance optimizations seamlessly under the hood.

I also appreciate the idea that the editor is built using the same GUI controls available for game development. This approach provides access to a wide range of advanced controls: not just buttons and labels, but also movable splitters, multi-line text editors, tree views, and more. They can all be skinned with custom colors and textures.

Similarly, files saved by the engine are text files in the INI-like format with sections like [SectionName] and key-value pairs like Name = Value. Unlike binary files, XML, or JSON, these files are very convenient to merge when conflicts arise after two developers modify the same file. The same format is also available and recommended for use in games, such as for saving settings.

Then, there is GDScript - a custom scripting language. While Godot also offers a separate version that supports C# and even has a binding to Rust, GDScript is the native way of implementing game logic. I like it a lot. Some people compare it to Python, but it’s not a fork or extension of Python; it’s a completely separate language. The syntax shares similarities with Python, such as using indentation instead of braces {} to define scopes. However, GDScript includes many features that Python lacks, specifically tailored for convenient and efficient game development.

One such feature is an interesting mix of dynamic and static typing. By default, variables can have dynamic types (referred to as "variant"), but there are ways to define a static type for a variable. In such cases, assigning a value of a different type results in an error – a feature that Python lacks.

var a = 0.1
a = "Text" # OK - dynamic type.
var b: float
b = 0.1
b = "Text" # Error! b must be a number.
var c := 0.1
c = "Text" # Error! c must be a number.

Another great feature is the inclusion of vector types for 2D, 3D, or 4D vectors of floats or integers. These types are both convenient and intuitive to use – they are passed by value (creating an implicit copy) and are mutable, meaning you can modify individual xyzw components. This is something that Python cannot easily replicate: in Python, tuples are immutable, while lists and custom classes are passed by reference. As a result, assigning or passing them as function parameters in Python makes the new variable refer to the original object. In GDScript, on the other hand:

var a := Vector2(1.0, 2.0)
var b := a # Made a copy.
b.x = 3.0  # Can modify a single component.
print(a)   # Prints (1, 2).

I really appreciate the extra language features that are clearly designed for game development. For example, the @export attribute before a variable exposes it to the Inspector as a property of a specific type, making it available for visual editing. The $NodeName syntax allows you to reference other nodes in the scene, and it supports file system-like paths, such as using / to navigate down the hierarchy and .. to go up. For instance, you can write something like $../AudioPlayers/HitAudioPlayer.play().

I also like how easy it is to animate any property of any object using paths like the one shown above. This can be done using a dedicated AnimationPlayer node, which provides a full sequencer experience with a timeline. Alternatively, you can dynamically change properties over time using a temporary Tween object. For example, the following code changes the font color of a label to a transparent color over 0.5 seconds, using a specific easing function selected from the many available options (check out the Godot tweening cheat sheet for more details):

create_tween().tween_property(addition_label.label_settings, ^":font_color", transparent_color, 0.5).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_CUBIC).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN)

I really appreciate the documentation. All core language features, as well as the classes and functions available in the standard library, seem to be well-documented. The documentation is not only available online but also integrated into the editor (just press F1), allowing you to open documentation tabs alongside your script code tabs.

I also like the debugger. Being able to debug the code I write is incredibly important to me, and Godot delivers a full debugging experience. It allows you to pause the game (automatically pausing when an error occurs), inspect the call stack, view variable values, explore the current scene tree, and more.

That said, I’m sure Godot isn’t perfect. For me, it was just a one-month adventure, so I’ve only described my first impressions. There must be reasons why AAA games aren’t commonly made in this engine. It likely has some rough edges and missing features. I only worked with 2D graphics, but I can see it supports 3D graphics with a Forward+ renderer and PBR materials. While it could potentially be used for 3D projects, I’m certain it’s not as powerful as Unreal Engine in that regard. I also encountered some serious technical issues with the engine during the game jam, but I’ll describe those in separate blog posts to make them easier to find for anyone searching the Internet for a solution.

I also don’t know much about Godot’s performance. The game we made was very simple. If we had thousands of objects on the scene to render and complex logic to calculate every frame, performance would become a critical factor. Doing some work in every object every frame using _process function is surely an anti-pattern and it runs serially on a single thread. However, I can see that GDScript also supports multithreading – another feature that sets it apart from Python.

To summarize, I now believe that Godot is a great engine at least for game jams and fast prototyping.

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