Entries for tag "optics", ordered from most recent. Entry count: 1.
# Infrared Photography
Jun 2012
I'd like to share results of my first experiments with infrared photography. Infrared is the frequency of light invisible to human eyes. Cameras also shouldn't register it, so manufacturers put special filters to block these frequencies. Some of them are better, some are worse - the latter make a camera better candidate for IR photohraphy.
To take an infrared photo, one needs a special filter (see this category on Allegro.pl). Such filter blocks all visible light, so it looks totally opaque black. When using it, only infrared light enters the camera. Some additional issues:
After transferring a photo straight from the camera, it looks totally red.
But after correcting while balance in some application, it turns out that other channels also register some of the IR light, so it's not totally black and white - we can see some colors and achieve interesting effects, especially after applying some additional filters in a graphics program (like Channel Mixer command).
An image registered in infrared has some interesting properties:
You can find more of my infrared photos in gallery: Infrared @ Picasa Web.