Entries for tag "tv", ordered from most recent. Entry count: 1.
# New Job: Cyfrowy Polsat
Oct 2009
Today was my first day in a new job. I now work for Cyfrowy Polsat (Polish digital satellite television provider) in the section that deals with set-top box programming (Sekcja Oprogramowania Dekoderów). I will neither go into details here about why did I leave Metropolis Software and not work in gamedev business any more (for now), nor about what happened in Metropolis Software and the whole CD Projekt (although according to recent news [1] [2] [3] there are some interesting things happening and I wish them best in their project).
Of course I won't blog about my company secrets, but I think it's not secret that for the start I learn about DVB (Digital Video Broadcast) protocol.