Jun 2009
I've decided to switch my website to English. I'm aware I'm not a master of English, so I can make some horrible language mistakes. Please forgive me that and also don't be afraid to tell me about them. You can post your comments in both English and Polish, as my website encoding is still Polish ISO-8859-2.
So why did I do it? I think game programming is a narrow and exotic subject, so if I share some knowledge here, more people will be able to benefit from it if I post it in English. Besides, most of programming stuff I read is in English, so it's actually even easier for me to write about programming in English than trying to translate all these technical terms to Polish, where there's often no single elegant translation. Many of other Polish programmers also blog in English, like Yarpen or SirMike, just to name a few. It's not that I don't care about my Polish friends. I still love you guys :) I just believe that all the programmers who can understand the stuff I post here can also read in English, as it's very important skill for every programmer.
All my older blog entries, descriptions of my productions and many other stuff will be still in Polish, as I'm not going to translate all these 677 records. I hope it won't bother anyone - all in all Internet is full of websites in exotic languages :)