Jan 2010
Coding my RegScript programming language is no longer easy as code grows bigger, but it's still much fun. In the last days I've added support for numeric types of different size. Here is the full list: float, double, uint8, uint16, uint32 (uint), uint64, int8, int16, int32 (int), int64
I try to keep the syntax as close to C/C++ as possible, but at the same time I introduce some interesting details like:
void Func(float x = sin(globalVar)) { ... }
switch (val) { case 1, 2, 3: ...
switch (val) { case someVar+1: ...
I've also implemented function overloading and many compiler errors and warnings similar to these from C++ compiler. But most interesting feature so far is what I call "Bidirectional Type Inference" :) I first introduced auto keyword to allow skipping type name and next I've made literal constants like 123 typeless so their type is deduced from the context (because I hate typing this f, u or ll postfixes everywhere in C++ code). For example:
// Left to right - these numbers are int16 int16 myShort = -32000 + 10; // Right to left - newVar is int16 auto newVar = myShort;
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