How to do a good code review - a new article

Aug 2024

Today I would like to present my new, comprehensive article: "How to do a good code review". I can be helpful to any programmer no matter what programming language they use. Conducting good code reviews is a skill worth mastering. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this process and explore the types of projects where it is most beneficial. We will consider the best approach to take when reviewing code, how to effectively carry out the process, which aspects of the code to focus on, and finally – how to write comments on the code in a way that benefits the project. The goal is to ensure that the review process serves as an opportunity for fruitful communication among team members rather than a source of conflict.

The article was first published few months ago in Polish in issue 112 (March/April 2024) of the Programista magazine. Now I have a right to show it publicly for free, so I share it in two language versions:

I wasn't active on my blog in the past months because I took some time for vacation, but also because I'm now learning about machine learning. I may be late to the party, but I recognize that machine learning algorithms are useful tools in many applications. As people learn the basics, the often feel an urge to teach others about it. Some good reads authored by game/graphics developers are: "Machine Learning for Game Devs" by Alan Wolfe and "Crash Course in Deep Learning (for Computer Graphics)" by Jakub Boksansky. I don't want to duplicate their work, so I will only blog about it when I have something unique to show.

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