Dec 2024
Earlier this month, Timothy Lottes published a document on Google Docs called “Fixing the GPU”, where he describes many ideas about how programming compute shaders on the GPU could be improved. It might be an interesting read for those advanced enough to understand it. The document is open for suggestions and comments, and there are few comments there already.
On a different topic, 25 November I attended Code::Dive conference in Wrocław, Poland. It was mostly dedicated to programming in C++ language. I usually attend conferences about game development, so it was an interesting experience for me. Big thanks to Tomasz Łopuszański from Programista magazine for inviting me there! It was great to see Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter live, among other good speakers. By the way, recordings from the talks are available on YouTube.
Those two events inspired me to write down my thoughts – my personal “wishlist” about programming languages, from the perspective of someone interesting in games and real-time graphics programming. I gathered my opinions about things I like and dislike in C++ and some ideas about how a new, better language could look like. It is less about a specific syntax to propose and more about high-level ideas. You can find it under the following shortened address, but it is really a document at Google Docs. Comments are welcome.
Of course I am aware of Rust, D, Circle, Carbon, and other programming languages that share the same goal of replacing C++. I just wanted to write down my own thoughts about this topic.
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